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Dentalclub, Lucerne

In the middle of the Old Town of Lucerne OOS designed and realized the spatial concept for an unconventional dental practice. The specified aim of this dentist was to offer his patients an experience and make their stay in the Dental Club as varied and pleasant as possible.

By creating specific spatial worlds for each activity and a portion of entertainment, a distinctive dental club was created instead of a conventional dental practice. By means of the various spatial scenographies, an atmospheric density is created, with these contrasting spatial concepts being composed into a coherent sequence. The design concept makes use of classical elements for this purpose and supplements them with surprising details.

Scenographic experience instead of practice feeling

Accordingly, the patient is welcomed into the warm and inviting atmosphere of the “fireplace room”, where he can pass the time and distract himself with an iPad and books. The “Dentalizer” as the central zone connecting all the rooms has a white, reflective atmosphere and functions as a neutralising space in the middle around which the various rooms and activities are arranged.

In the treatment rooms, the space is divided by the introduction of a visual horizon. While the lower part is assigned to the sterile, white working world of the dentist, the ceiling – which is the focus of the patient – is covered with an atmospheric sea chart on which there is constantly new territory to discover.

Project Details

Internal Team
Christiane Agreiter, Christoph Kellenberger, Andreas Derrer, Severin Boser, Gonçalo A. Manteigas, Kevin Chen
External Team
Claudia Luperto and Dimitar Semko (photography)