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SBB Test Planning WOL, Olten

As part of the test planning for the SBB plant in Olten, OOS was invited, among two other teams, to translate the operational objectives for 2035 and 2050+ into a site development strategy. In doing so, important questions regarding urban planning, the protection of historical monuments, the landscape and the world of work were answered.

The Olten maintenance depot is the largest of SBB’s sites in Switzerland and is used to maintain rolling stock. The complex structure, consisting of a conglomeration of individual buildings with different ages, construction conditions and protection status, required a holistic approach.

The task of the test planning was to develop a spatial model for the development of the Olten plant based on the operational objectives for 2035 and 2050+. The key questions concerned the development and optimisation of operations, the handling of SBB’s cultural heritage, the working environment and the place to spend time, the integration into the urban fabric and open spaces, and ecological sustainability.

During the development, OOS asked itself how these maintenance facilities would be organised on a greenfield site. From this, the strategy developed with two building conglomerates to separate long-track and single-wagon production and an optimal floor plan with short distances. Despite an area of 180,000 m2, the track layout was one of the major challenges, with points, radii and ramps requiring a great deal of spac

The orientation of the new buildings follows the urban structure of the area and its surroundings, integrating them into the overarching order. The open spaces and recreational areas for employees were skilfully connected to the public spaces. Further ecological and landscape aspects, such as the unsealing, greening and ventilation of the site, enhance the area.

The preservation of the SBB’s cultural heritage by maintaining the building fabric that is worthy of protection enables the historical localisation of the area and gives it an independent identity. The holistic concept is characterised by a comprehensive vision, flexibility and intelligent use of potential, making it a forward-looking development project.

Project Details

Schweizerische Bundesbahn SBB AG
Internal Team
Andreas Derrer, Christoph Kellenberger, Jan Gloeckner, Mikel Martinez Mugica
External Team
Afry (general planning, landscape, ecology, sustainability), Bahn-Support (infrastructure), Ruggero Tropeano Architects (monument preservation)