ZPA Lessingstrasse, Zurich
OOS has transformed the old building structure Lessingstrasse 11-17 with different levels of structural intervention into a progressive location. The independent project captivates by its characteristic spatial structures. OOS has combined this diversity with strategic planning and targeted renovation to create a new unit.
An old building fabric with varying levels, small-scale floor subdivisions, diverse spatial structures and building systems – the initial situation of this project was highly complex. But this is precisely where the great potential of the property lies. With targeted and unpretentious interventions, OOS succeeded in transforming the old building structure into an independent, progressive location while at the same time preserving a piece of history for the city of Zurich.
In a feasibility study, OOS worked with the owner to define the visions, target groups and future uses and determined the depth of intervention. The aim of the planned refurbishment and upgrading was to preserve the unique effect of the building structure for future generations.
Preservation of existing buildings for future generations
Accordingly, interventions were only made where they were necessary for earthquake and fire protection. While the roofs were renovated for energy efficiency, the façades were only insulated on the inside in the area of the window parapets. Externally, the appearance has only been changed by demolitions to clean up the structure.
Inside, the stairwells have been freed from fixtures and, with the new lighting concept, contribute to the strong appearance of the property. Where possible, the different surfaces and structures have been left as they are, and subtle interventions have been used to bind them together into an atmospherically coherent unit. In addition to the staircases, the exposed sandstone retaining wall is a unique element that will have a strong influence on future tenant improvements.
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